Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Its all in the family!

Did I tell you that I come from a family full of talent?  I am going to blatantly promote one of them now!

My brother Scott Scholze is a professional potter!

He makes his wares under the name Steady Hands Studio , he is an artist and he is trying to make a go at making his passion for pottery his business.

It seems that what ever Scott touches turns out beautiful, from his wife and 3 children, his siblings (teehee) and his art.


I have yet to get my very own Scott Scholze Steady Hands creation, but I will be home for a visit in July (hint hint Scott my favorite color is green, and I don't need a huge family discount!)

When you look at his creations you can see that his talent is immense! Can you tell I'm a proud big sis?
Not only does he make beautiful usable pottery but he also makes awe inspiring sculpture, you will have to visit his Steady Hands Studio Website and Facebook page to see those!

Remember no 2 pieces are ever exactly the same with hand crafted pottery so they are always original.

So if you need a gift for someone or just want something for yourself go for handmade, support artists, because art is hard work!!

Check out his Facebook page look at the pictures, and find out how to get your own beautiful usable art at his website

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Give me Green!!

Winter is lasting WAY to long this year, I just want to have open windows for crying out loud! So I did my form of whining about it in my journal this weekend.

I originally started the page with no idea what it would turn into, I just knew that I wanted to use some of the used cloths pattern I bought for fifty cents at savers over the weekend. But as I mentally whined about being stuck in the house with the windows down tight this little page emerged.

This style of portrait is actually new to me I usually do not care for the look when I try to make the cute rosy cheeked girls without features so I was actually pleasantly surprised!

I hope you enjoy the video!

Big hugs and mushy stuff!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The 100lbs club

Sooo... I am part of a weight loss group at work and we are at week 7 of our 16 week project, and this week out little group of 15 hit the 100 lbs total lost, which I think is AMAZING! I am so proud of our little group and always want to encourage because if I am helping someone it makes me take my own advice! (on a side note 16.6 lbs of that loss is mine! Yay!) So I decided to make us all little tags to be put in a place to keep us in-line, for me its on my fridge! So I'll tell you my basic process!

Some of the tags I coated with white Gesso and others I left plain, the tags started out yellow so I thought it would work nice for some of the browns and it did!

For the back grounds I used color combos, on some I used Dylusions Ink spray in Crushed Grape and Dylusions Ink spray in Squeezed Orange on others I used Plain Jane from Tattered Angels in Clay with the Dylusions Ink Spray in Squeezed Orange I sprayed the combinations onto wax paper, shiny side up, then sprinkled a little Perfect Pearls into the ink, I used Silver in the Purple blend and Gold into the Clay.

I then took the tags and dragged them through the inks, I let some dry flat and others dry on end leaning on different items at different angles to get the bleed of ink down the tag, I than took my heat gun and went over each tag, the Perfect Pearls does come off in handling a little bit but not enough that I would use this process again, it could be sealed but I did not since they weren't going into books, and I didn't have any spray sealant and painting it on would smear some of the sprays.

I then went into my stamps and stencils and went to town.

I used Faber Castell big brush markers to add touches of colors to some of the stamps, where you see white I used my favorite white marker right now which is the Sakura Pen-Touch Fine Point 1.0 Quick Dry White Ink.

On some to add a pop I went into my embossing powders and added some metallic to some of the lettering and a couple little touches.

I used some craft tape from my stash on one of them and some bits I printed out from my computer on another, I went in and doodles with my Faber Castell 'S' tip in black on a few also.

I than went into my stash and found some purple ribbon and a little twine and tied  them onto the tags.

I think I covered everything, If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll let you know the answer!

Hugs and Mushy stuff!

Monday, March 18, 2013

You may have noticed!

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted any videos for the past 2 weeks! Uhg! I'm such a slacker! I have been creating though, it was my birthday so I have been out of the house too much to set things up!

I actually wanted to come on here and share an awesome group I am part of on Facebook, its called simply Mixed Media Art Journal, its a wonderful group of people that are always ready to give help and inspiration when ever its requested! If you look to the left a lot of them have their own blogs, that I have linked onto my page, that are amazing places to get inspiration for all kinds of projects and art styles, they are an amazing group!

Every month there is a challenge ( I haven't even started mine for this month!) This months challenge is to find a favorite artist and recreate their image in your own style! The entries that have already been entered are varied in style and composition and I am soooo glad I am not the person that has the task of picking the winner.

There is actually a sponsor that will be providing the prizes each month (previously it was provided by generous group members) so its is amazing that not only does the challenge bring you out of your comfort zone as far as art goes but there is a chance of a little prize too! :) I would do it just for the challenge though!

The sponsor website is, so please support our sponsor so they can support us!

Big hugs and mushy stuff!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Finally the 3rd 'Tattered' video is up

So sorry it took me so long to put up the 3rd Tattered video! I had a long weekend as I said in my previous post so the editing I would usually do on a Friday waited until today! So I hope you like the 3rd video, to be honest this probably isn't my favorite project I have done but there are a lot of different techniques worth sharing throughout the process so I shared anyway!

As I said we went to the casino and spent the night so I could play penny slots until the wee hours, my husband made it until about 12:30 but I didn't get back to the room until around 3:15! it was fun! I people watched and played penny slots until I couldn't keep my eyes open, I also went around and gathered up all kinds of items to put in my journal to record the fun I had, I have all the items laid out on my craft table waiting for me to put it all together! I cant wait to share once its all put together!

Well, all done for today! Big hugs and mushy stuff!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tattered 2 is up!

Hey There! Finally got Tattered 2 uploaded to YouTube! 

I hope you like it! If you do please share away! and like it on YouTube!

I am keeping this post short and sweet because I want to get the 3rd video done tonight so I can upload it too!

Hugs and Mushy stuff!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Chit Chat

Oh My!! Busy Busy Busy! I am part of a group on Facebook called Mixed Media Art Journal and our monthly challenge is to take a piece of art and re-do it in our own style, I have been inspired by so many artists I am having a hard time narrowing things down! I think I may have finally decided to do something from Salvador Dali but I haven't decided which piece yet! But I will keep you posted!

I have given myself a project to do, this weekend for a little birthday treat my husband is taking me to Foxwoods casino for an overnight! We are going to play some Bingo and slots and check things out! I decided I am going to make a couple journal pages using found or free items from the weekend! so look forward to seeing what I end up with!

I will upload the Tattered 2 video tomorrow night so check back!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tattered video is up!!

Well! That a faster upload than I thought it would be! I hope you enjoy watching the video as much as I had making it!


So this weekend I have been working on a gift for a friend of mothers, we both have a love of buttons! I will share pictures of all of my buttons some other day, I have a lot!

 Anyway, back to the point she made me this awesome yo-yo purse! with all kinds of old buttons on it!

Isn't it adorable! I just love it!

So I decided to make her something with buttons on it, and this is what I ended up with.

She loves teddy bears so I thought this would work!

I am in the process of uploading the 1st video of the series, even if this piece is not your taste I would recommend watching this series, I used a few different techniques that can be used on other projects!

I will post the link when the upload is complete!
